Weird day , should have just stayed in bed. Recently I have been doing some reading. Just finished reading the much talked about "Million Little Pieces" by James Frey. Now anyone with any kind of street smarts or brains for that matter can tell this book is fiction right off the bat. What really gets my goat is that he says he is a recovered addict and knocks the AA 12 steps saying he did it his own way. Guess what James you are still the lying sack of shit you were back then , whether or not you still use is irrelevant. You still haven't dealt with your issues and are still in the same shoes you were before. Now being a recovered addict myself and having gone thru the pains of rehab , this book seriously offended me.
Thank God I moved on to better readings with Johnny Cash "Cash" a great memoir by the man in black which was kind of like a look back into country/ rockabillie music and I enjoyed reading on John's views on life and music , politics etc. Great read , highly recommended.
Now for my rant. First off in reaction to the selection of MP's offices by our great and fearless leader (yeah right) Mr Harper. Honestly Tony Clement's track record as a the provincial health minister for Ontario was really great. Anyone remember the SARS fiasco. What makes Mr. Harper think this man should be in charge of our federal health care. He was behind all of our great cuts with another Great and fearless leader (yeah right) Mr. Mike Harris, who Ontario loved. I mean this just keeps on getting better. How about the push to get Metro behind him. I don't think Montreal needs anything more and if Quebecers want to separate , let them. We waste a ton of federal dollars trying to keep them around. Put it to a vote , the natives won't ever let it happen. Call a spade a spade.
Now on to World Matters, apparently Muslims have no sense of humor and react to everything with violence. It is really getting quite crazy, Its a cartoon people. Now Iran's state run newspaper has solicited the nations greatest artist to draw up their own pro Muslim / anti western Cartoons ( Can't wait to see those works of art). Anyone think we should start fire bombing their Embassies and holding protests? Nah, we'll take the Canadian way and just smile and hang our heads low, maybe even waive hello and offer some more relief dollars to help rebuild after this destruction. In my humble opinion we should pull our boys back from the middle east and leave them to their own destruction. Again it is only my humble opinion , which only counts for 1 vote and is not represented by my government. Can't get a well paying job in this country but we sure as hell have money to waste on World Peace. When those we are trying to help do nothing but kick sand in our faces, kill our soldiers and continue to curse our Nation. Remember "One Nation , Under GOD" lest we should forget , or have we already forgotten which GOD that is?
Over and Out.