I am going to attempt to clear my head via this post, so strap in and I apologize in advance if this post makes no sense.
I think a story every Canadian should be concerned with is the story of inmate Ashley Smith (R.I.P.) If you do a quick google search for her name it will come up with numerous results that explain how the Justice system failed this troubled teen. I highly recommend watching the fifth estate special on her found here
http://www.cbc.ca/fifth/2009-2010/out_of_control/ I am not the biggest fan of the CBC but this coverage is decent. I would also recommend reading this report
http://www.gnb.ca/0073/PDF/AshleySmith-e.pdf by the New Brunswick ombudsman. This girl spent 3 years give or take in solitary confinement. I have listened to some of the most hardened criminals I know talk about time in the "Hole" and its effects that it had on these grown men who had done multiple stints in the "hole" I can not imagine the mental anguish and state it put Ms. Smith thru. An inquest is set for April and I can only hope the Federal Government and the offices responsible for Ms. Smiths death are held responsible for their gross misconduct that caused Ms. Smiths Death. Ashley I hope you did not die in Vein and that changes are made to our Justice system that help other troubled teens in the same situation. Under the Harper administration we have seen closures of the
6 prison farms that were left always stating to the media "escaped prisoners" as the reasoning and never showing the overwhelming
rehabilitation results of the farms. Furthermore the Harper Govt. has continued to adopt the U.S. system of
Mega Jails at a cost of 10- 13 billion dollars to the Canadian tax payers. We need justice now, we need a new Government ASAP before Mr Harper and his cronies bankrupt and destroy this country
any further.
The next topic that is on my hot list is the current passing of the CRTC. There are two specific areas I would like to bring to the attention of anyone reading this blog. First is usage based billing, the ISP's of this beautiful nation we call our own are attempting to pass a decision with the CRTC that will allow Internet Service Providers to charge per byte (like they do on a smartphone) This means we will be paying more for less Internet. This is clearly a move to gouge consumers put forward by the large ISP's in this country and will force small ISP's to charge the same rates. Please take the time to read more
Here and sign the petition, the CRTC is set to make a decision on this matter in the upcoming days.
Another Matter with the CRTC (Canadian Radio Television and Telecommunications Commission) quietly brought out proposed changes to the laws that prohibit Media outlets from reporting false news. The information can be found
Here . Now It is my opinion that the mainstream media is already controlled by various corporate interests and I see the majority of the news in the mainstream media as "cheese for the mice" If the CRTC makes these changes it will take things to the next level. I am very grateful for open media sources like
http://www.wikileaks.ch/ and
Rabble. Wikileaks attempts to keep Democratic and "So Called" Democratic governments transparent by producing documents that show otherwise. Democracy without Transparency is simply NOTHING but EMPTY words. If you don't know the history of the Wikileaks movement take sometime and do a little research you will be amazed to see the accomplishments this group has achieved. The strongest enemy of Wikileaks has been the US government who likes to hide the death and destruction they perpetrate thru out the World. A true democratic society depends on the freedom of information and freedom of media. It was so important to the North American founding Fathers that it is protected both by the Charter here in Canada.
Section 2b of the Charter states: Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms, freedom of thought, beliefs, opinion and expression, including freedom of press and other forms of media communication.
And it is protected in the USA by the First Amendment rights:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. The Attacks on
wikileaks and the rape allegations to discredit Julian Assange (if he is a rapist then so are most men in this world) are attacks on DEMOCRACY and FREEDOM OF SPEECH. This is old news for most but I feel that it must be discussed and not pushed to the back of our minds as its coverage in mainstream media has slowed to almost nil. New groups of Open media are arising and I encourage everyone to take the time and read thru them while we can. The government and ISP's which are owned by major Corporations are attempting to censor the Internet, it is already happening in many countries like
China. A war is being waged on the free Internet which is the battle ground for today's fight against Corporate Fascism that attempts to control us today.
I have much more to say but I am going to leave it at that for today. I encourage you all to write your MP and MPP