Lots of things going on today that I want to blog about. Egyptians are still protesting in the streets calling for the stepping down of their Dictator of the last 30 years. It is amazing to me that the USA is Egypt's biggest backer and yet Egypt has known nothing of real Democracy yet. What does this say to us about the US administrations, it hasn't mattered if they were Democratic or Republicans, they have still backed dictators around the world. It is comical that we North Americans get sucked into the Right vs. Left argument and actually think that a change of Government to the left or to the right will actually change things in our respective countries. Its such a sham, we have had both Parties in charge Conservative and Liberal, Republican and Democrat, it doesn't change the fact that big business and their lobbyist command our government officials and no real change is brought about. Minor changes, sometimes one or two major ones but its all used to take our attention away from the Billions and Billions of our tax dollars being syphoned to corporate business. We North Americans should take a slice from the people of Jordan who right now are in the streets demanding the fall of the current Regime due to, get this: RISING COSTS OF LIVING AND LACK OF JOBS. Wow Imagine. We just sit back and take the incremental increases in food and shelter and accept the loss of jobs and the low paying jobs. Alright I'm ranting but its hard not to when all I see is pathetic apathy in my home country. Alright Egypt keep the protests up. The people united will never be defeated. The economic state there has also brought about this tide of change. Millions of young Egyptians, almost 30 million under the age of 30 and 80% of those live on under 2$ a day and have no job. Lets open our eyes, just because it isn't that bad here yet doesn't mean we aren't headed down the same path. Cost of living are continually rising, food costs are rising, decent paying jobs for the majority are now run by private temporary agencies which offer us no benefits and make profits off of us working and breaking our backs. It is incremental loss, slowly but surely our Nation is being bankrupt by big business, who we extend tax breaks to. Banks that we bail out continue to pay fat salaries to CEO's. The world is not a pretty place, please don't sit back on your couch watching sitcom tv and think otherwise. I get very frustrated at the lie we have been sold, Most Canadians can tell you how many kids Brad and Angelina have but don't know what is going on in Ottawa or in their own community. This is exactly where big business wants us, being good drones. Turn off the tube that is distracting you from reality, stop wasting hours on social media sites, telling the world what you are eating today, if we stay distracted soon we won't be able to afford to eat.
Ranting again, I should probably just end it now, I have to learn to Live and let Live.
One last thing , here is Strombo on CBC (much respect) talking about a meter being put on your Internet. If we don't do something about this soon our freedom to open media will be gone too, because we won't be able to afford it....
I remember what my Father always said growing up. "Money doesn't grow on trees son". Our Government sure thinks we have money trees planted in our yards.
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